This example is provided by the vendor. This is also included on purchased version!
You can easy edit any example using caption & transition editor.
Revolution Slider - one of the most powerful available sliders!
In case you wish to Cover the Background with a HTML5 Video, you can do so, using a HTML5 Video Caption and set its parameters to force the Covering.
For Best Result, set the First Frame of the HTML5 Video as "Poster Image" for the video, and also set the Main Background as the Same Image, for smooth Transitions
The best if you Let it Restart every time the Slides starts, so the Frame of the Animation and the first Frame of Video is same.
<!-- SLIDE --> <li data-transition="slidehorizontal" data-slotamount="7" data-masterspeed="1000" data-fstransition="fade" data-fsmasterspeed="1000" data-fsslotamount="7"> <!-- MAIN IMAGE --> <img src="images/video_forest.jpg" alt="video_forest" data-bgposition="center center" data-bgfit="cover" data-bgrepeat="no-repeat"> <!-- LAYERS --> <!-- LAYER NR. 1 --> <div class="tp-caption tp-fade fadeout fullscreenvideo" data-x="0" data-y="0" data-speed="1000" data-start="1100" data-easing="Power4.easeOut" data-endspeed="1500" data-endeasing="Power4.easeIn" data-autoplay="true" data-autoplayonlyfirsttime="false" data-nextslideatend="true" data-forceCover="1" data-dottedoverlay="twoxtwo" data-aspectratio="16:9" data-forcerewind="on" style="z-index: 2"> <video class="video-js vjs-default-skin" preload="none" width="100%" height="100%" poster='images/video_forest.jpg' data-setup="{}"> <source src='' type='video/mp4' /> <source src='' type='video/webm' /> <source src='' type='video/ogg' /> </video> </div> </li>
<script type="text/javascript"> var revapi; jQuery(document).ready(function() { revapi = jQuery('.tp-banner').revolution( { delay:9000, startwidth:1170, startheight:500, fullScreen:"on", forceFullWidth:"on", minFullScreenHeight:"320", videoJsPath:"assets/plugins/revolution-slider/videojs/", fullScreenOffsetContainer: "header" }); }); //ready </script>